Unlocking the Local is a bespoke youth playwriting workshop created and facilitated by Griffin Theatre Company for organisations and communities in regional Australia.

The creation of the workshop series was supported by the Create NSW Writers on the Road initiative and saw artist representatives from Griffin conduct two five-day workshops for 15 young regional theatremakers across Lismore and Lake Macquarie. 

Unlocking the Local is an extension of Griffin’s highly successful and long-running Griffin Ambassadors program, aimed to inspire young people to learn playwriting skills and to tell their own local stories.

Regional Stories Amplified


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Lake Maxibon

Lake Macquarie

Foster young local talent

Bring Griffin to you

Griffin Ambassadors across the country are united by a common curiosity about contemporary Australian stories, a love of theatre and the motivation to know more!

If you would like to know more about Griffin Ambassadors or Unlocking the Local, or if you would like to know more about how Griffin could work to create new stories with you and your community, please contact [email protected].

Unlocking the Local